Is $10,000 a month enough for you? [CNN]

CNN have recently asked 1000 Americans how much money they
would need to make each month to consider themselves rich.

Their answer:- $10,000 a month

If that is all "YOU" need? Then you need to be on this
"FREE LIVE" event this Friday (a/k/a Black Friday)

You'll discover the EXACT system being used to build dozens of
$10k+/month businesses, plus you'll learn the latest hacks,
loopholes and sneaky tricks from a master of the game, Ryan Deiss.

This live online event will be at least 2 hours of PURE content,
and just you being there will make you a much smarter marketer.

Here is just a little of what he'll reveal...

During this free online training event you'll discover:

* Why the "30 Days To $10K" Formula works so well and
so fast, and how you can leverage it between now and
New Year's Day.

* The three big "shifts" you need to make if you want
to build a 5-figure monthly business

* Why selling a PRODUCT online is the surest recipe for
failure (did you get that???)

* Why you don't need to know anything about traffic
generation to build a 5-figure business, seriously.

Plus tons more...

Beat the crowds on "Black Friday" and Join me! this is going to be
much more fun than getting clobbered by granny with an xbox at Wal-Mart.

See ya there,
Michael Bonner
Here is the link to get registered now...

He has a VERY cool FREE $197 gift when you register.

This year, skip the mall and "MAKE" some money for a change on Black Friday.
Go Here To Check It Out Now


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