Internet Marketing , it’s a funny old thing, most marketers become slaves to their computer constantly promoting their sites and products trying to get quality traffic, but there are easier ways to redeem your freedom. Do you find yourself in that position? It can be as easy as 1 2 3. 1. Article Submission . If you laser target your promotion to, let’s say, Google, who receive over 2 Billion searches per day, and keyword optimise your article’s you can easily achieve a very high traffic ranking which is a fast list builder. Other options to consider would be MSN, Bing and Yahoo to mention just a few. 2. Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites such as get over 4.1 Million hits per day, with visitors like that how can you go wrong? Again other options would be Facebook , Twitter , MySpace and Bebo. Just set up your own personalised page and send invites to your contact list or you could set up a fan page dedicated to your niche. Combine this w...